
Send 1,000,000 Emails Every Day With AtomEmailPro

Introducing AtomEmailPro

AtomEmailPro is a powerful software designed for automated, bulk email sending. With AtomEmailPro, you can send unlimited emails efficiently and effortlessly.

Key Features of AtomEmailPro

Dual Sending Modes

  1. SMTP Sending: AtomEmailPro supports sending emails through any SMTP server, ensuring flexibility and reliability.
  2. Web-Based Sending: The software can automatically open browsers to send emails through various webmail platforms.

Supported Platforms

Currently, AtomEmailPro supports the following webmail platforms, with plans to add more in the future:

  • Gmail
  • Outlook
  • Yahoo
  • Yandex
  • Mail.ru
  • Mail.com
  • Rambler.ru
  • Web.de
  • GMX.net

BCC Sending

AtomEmailPro allows BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) sending, ensuring that recipients see the email as if it was sent to them individually. You can send up to 100 emails at once to 1,000 recipients, completing the task in just 10 iterations.

Advanced Sending Options

  • Configurable Sending Intervals: Set a range for sending intervals, and the system will automatically select a random interval within that range.
  • Multithreaded Sending: Increase efficiency by sending multiple emails simultaneously.
  • Unlimited Sender and Recipient Accounts: Add as many sender and recipient email accounts as needed.
  • Simultaneous Tasks: Execute both web-based and SMTP sending tasks concurrently.
  • Dynamic Email Content: Use multiple variables in email subjects and bodies, supporting both plain text and HTML formats.
  • Email Template Rotation: Add multiple email templates, and the system will randomly select one to send, avoiding uniform content for all recipients.
  • Proxy Support: Bind proxies to accounts for email sending.
  • Sending Limits: Set daily, hourly, and per-minute sending limits for each account.


AtomEmailPro is your ultimate solution for bulk email sending. Its advanced features and flexible options make it ideal for any email marketing campaign. Experience efficient, automated, and unlimited email sending with AtomEmailPro today!